Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 67: Patience...for us, not mom

Day 67:

Mom had, you know it...another great day!

From laying in the bed, she moved her legs to the side, sat up and stood up! She was able to stand and balance for about 3 minutes! Tomorrow...maybe it'll be 4 minutes!

The quote today makes sense doesn't it? I think it's fitting for all of us. Mom has and continues to have an incredible outlook and attitude. Her family shares the same attitude and I bet you do to?

Haven't you all imagined sitting on the patio having a cocktail with mom and dad? Or how great it will be to see her at the club? Or what will it be like to finally talk to her on the phone!

Heck, Kurt and I already planning a family vacation visualizing mom going down water slides with Izzy! We're right there with you!

My vote is we all continue to imagine, all continue to visualize the wonderful things that await us all. As you know mom is coming home next Friday. Given the outpouring of love and attention mom and dad have received so far, I have a "hunch" that there will be a line of cars in the street waiting to say hello and to offer to help.

If it were me...I'd also be lined up. I'd even plan a surprise visit with a load full of brownies or flowers. I'd call the house until someone answered and I'd wonder why no one is picking up the phone. Then I'd hear a voice...a voice that sounded like my mom's...a voice that would say, "Stacy...this might not be the right time". I would probably turn around and think...but, but...but...I just wanted to leave a plate of brownies or just say hello. Then the little voice would say again, "not now, in a bit...have patience". Then I'd stamper off and is right, she's always right!

I share this with you as a gentle way of saying that Mom and Dad are in store for a whole new chapter. As mom put it, returning home marks the beginning Boise's Great Adventure, Part II! They would love nothing more than to invite ALL of you over to throw a huge party. To hug you, to kiss you and to thank you for every card, every call, every everything that you have done so far to help and support mom. That day will come, but maybe not right away.

So, I'm writing this today to mention the idea that mom and dad might not as responsive upon their return as we'd all like and expect them to be. They'll be learning a new routine, familiarizing themselves with the caregivers and learning how to load and unload a wheelchair.

They will emerge, I promise.

Just think...this time next week they will be sitting on the patio, holding hands and enjoying the sound of nothing.


  1. O, Boise! I really, truly, totally, and incontrovertibly understand the need for time and lots of space as you move forward. . . Just because I'd be the last person to show up on your doorstep, please know it's out of a profound desire to be supportive. . Nothing more. Less IS more when it comes to such things. Take your time. . .sounds like a mantra, doesn't it? Cool!
    You will figure it all out - we're just happy to have you both here at the Ranch!
    Xoxoxo Cyndi and Harvey, Captain, Sadie, and Joe

  2. We join the mantra! The virtual hugs will continue once you arrive home, along with love and prayers. We will be respectful as to when "the right time" is and as the Starr's say, we're just happy to have you both here at the Ranch. The sunset on Friday is going to be particularly glorious! Just for you, Boise! xo

  3. So wonderfully said... Don & Boise, we are just thrilled that you will soon be home to enjoy the warmth and beauty of TRR and of, of course, we are here to support you in any way we can. Just know that as you sit out on the patio and enjoy that beautiful sunset, we will be sharing a toast to your return as well!!
    Much love Bruce & Nancy

  4. Amen,Amen....just the thought of having the "Taylors' back at TRR is so wonderfully exciting!

    Indeed, we are mindful of the new chapter to be crafted in the Boise Adventure and we will work to "honor" this process.

    I am here in NYC w/my dad, Boise - who continues to defy the doctors as well -- his recommendation to you as you continue your recovery journey - "one day at a time and keep a positive attitude."

    Wisdom from 94yr old dad who has learned how to walk again after fracturing his hip in November. He reluctantly uses a cane....attitude and determination.

    Hugs for you both -


  5. Awesome news on your return to TR Don and Boise. I know that being in your home in your own bed and being with Teddy will speed your recovery. Blessing to all of you Bosie, Don, Stacy and Clay. Love, Mary
