Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 56: Doing great!

"Physical Therapy: People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it!"

Day 56:

As of 4:30pm I haven't had a chance to talk to Dad yet.

I'm assuming mom is exhausted from physical therapy but feeling the elation of not having to wear her Chapeau (oh yeah, we're international...French word for hat) each time she moves or gets up and around. Because such a large portion of her skull was removed, each time she did physical therapy, even if she stood up...she had to wear a special hat in case she fell. One fashion statement, GONE!

I have a feeling that mom has returned to her normal team of fabulous therapists. She absolutely LOVES them and I know feels so secure with them. They have become like family and are people that mom looks forward to being with and working with each day.  Many years after this bump in the road has passed, all of these wonderful angels will be remembered with great fondness, appreciation and undying gratitude. Can you imagine having that kind of legacy?


  1. O, Happy Hatless Day! Are you sure you don't want to save your chapeau forthe Derby Party??? We hope you guys put in an appearance! Maybe just some Skype time? Huh? Congrats on finally being able to focus on getting back into therapy - take it easy Boise and make sure the first thing you say in speech therapy is "charge it!" xoxoxoxoxosure miss you guys loads! Cyndi and Harvey

  2. loved the t shirt. its a date i'll wear my chapeau
    miss all of you terribly.kisses me

  3. Oh dear Boise, how wonderful to share your words with us. We miss you terribly as well - and know that you are tending to the business of getting back in your groove.

    With or without your chapeau - we await your return to TRR -- open arms everywhere -- dear Boise!


  4. You are going great guns... You will get past this phase soon, we know it! H & C
