Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 48: Typical Sunday

Teddy and a little mud! 
(Teddy by the way has been taken in by his best friend, DUDE)

Day 48:

Nothing too exciting to report other than it was lazy, relaxing Sunday. 

Mom is able and interested in reading more and more things. As her eyesight is strengthening she's excited about not necessarily reading a novel per se but thumbing through magazines and catalogs. So, if you have any old magazines, feel free to ship'em over!

You'll never guess what treat she is in for...our old neighbor from Tustin is going to be in town for work and might come and visit. Her name is Janie and she's Clay and Stacy's old playmate from elementary school. It's been over 20 years since any of us have seen her and she's coming in for work and to sneak in a visit to mom. Definitely something to look forward to!

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