Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 45: Thumbs Up!

Mom and Izzy in 2008, Arizona

Day 45:

Mom continues to make huge leaps and bounds!

Dad said that she can almost pull herself up into a sitting position. Also, can almost make the transfer from the bed to the wheelchair. Dad gives her 5 days until she can do it herself. Bets anyone?

Today she sat up for herself for almost an hour and kept her balance. The therapists give her a mirror so she can use to look at herself. So, when she sees herself leaning to one side, she can sit up correctly.

She also has been staring at her thumb and willing it to move. I guess after staring at it for so moved!

Thumbs up everyone! 


  1. Another great day! It shows what power there is in willing thumbalina to move! Boise, you have come so far...keep up the great work, the focus and your drive. I'll take that bet! xoxo

  2. *** Hi Mom ***

    Did you see that Coxy and Sydney Beach sent you a message too? It is a good thing when you get messages from us dogs. We send you lots of hugs and healing energy.

    Auntie Chris told me all about your thumb. So I thought and I thought and I looked and I looked. I wanted to move my thumb too, just like you. I never found a thumb so I practiced wiggling my toes.

    Your updates are so PAW-SOME ! I might get to see you soon soon soon. So keep those PAW-sitive thoughts going cause I miss you.

    Lubs, Teddy ( oh, and Dude too ...he could not find his thumbs either )

  3. Let's all move our thumbs and bless Boise for the effort required to get hers to obey. What a warrior you are, Boise. So many are wishing you well every day.

    Love to you and Don,
    Laurel & Ron Bailey

  4. Boise, You are mending by leaps & bounds!! Of course, we both knew that you would because that is who you are!! Keep up the good work.

    Always, Janet, Scott & Kessa

  5. Thumbs up indeed, Boise....what a great testimony of your progress and determination to continue this most important journey.

    You are such an inspiration to everyone..we can't wait for your return to the TRR community - we miss you bunches!

    I -17 South is congested with prayers and positive energy for you and Don --

    Heading home from Flordia this weekend. Love, Donna/Kathy
