Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 57: Doing great!

Stylin couple

Day 57:

It's 5:00pm and when I talked to dad he was wheeling mom down to therapy. Everything sounded normal...I'm sure by now she's exhausted but...she wasn't too tired to post a comment for yesterday's entry:
loved the t shirt. its a date I'll wear my chapeau
miss all of you terribly.kisses me


  1. We're THRILLED and DELIGHTED - but you don't really have to wear the "chapeau" LOL! Actually, Boise can wear (and do) WHATEVER she wants as she and DON will be DErby Royalty and treated as such!
    Saw Mr. Teddy on his stroll yesterday - he's regal and commanding as ever - NOT! But he had a happy, friendly wiggle in his waggle so he had a good, long pat and rub! That's one spoiled pup - knows how to work a crowd!
    Hope you can get some sunshine on your face today. . . .it's nearly Spring!
    Xoxoxo Cyndi

  2. good news hope to be home in one month don is interviewing caregivers. any thoughts? they do not have to be licensed,scary that means i could be a caregiver if i wanted to.
