Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 60: Steps with a Cane!

Maybe a new walking cane?

Day 60:

Quote from mom: "most therapy not in rehab gym today. major flooding downstairs.
i walked for the first time with s 4 pronged cane a beginning" 

You read it right, "I walked for the first time with a 4 pronged cane"! 

Something interesting mom told me yesterday is that as part of her speech therapy, she has to keep a journal to track what she did that day, what she worked on, how she felt, etc. Mom said it's good practice because they've noticed that she's forgetting to cross her "t's". 


  1. Boise doesn't actually forget to cross Ts - she doesn't have time to do so! Many other important things to say and do! Fascinating though how our brains skip over such a thing - and I couldn't venture any guess as to why! Go Boise, and have a great day! Keep on rocking! We can't wait to see your smiling face! Xoxoxo Cyndi and Harvey

  2. I hope the cane you get for "graduation" has the horse head like the one Stacy put on the blog. Can't wait for you to get back on our back porch where you can gaze on Granite and our animals. What a magnificent progress!!
