Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 64: Calgon...take me away

Day 64:

Haven't had the chance to talk with mom and dad has been in Prescott taking care of some business in anticipation of coming home.

I do know that she had a hard night last night as her roommate loved TV and watched is ALL NIGHT LONG. So, mom was very tired. In fact she posted under the "comments" section. 

This is what she wrote: "i am looking forward to going home, but scared too i have a roommate. she is a tv nut. left it on all night. i am very tired".

Tomorrow is the big day when we find out the date in which mom gets to head home! 

Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog as it will hopefully have a big date plastered in large, colorful font! :) 

1 comment:

  1. There's nothing worse than a bad Roomie! Hopefully you, Boise, can get a bit of rest today and the staff will ground your Roomie by taking away her tv privileges! Can't wait to see tomorrow's post stating the big news. Oh Happy Day! xoxo
