Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 47: A date

Mom at Stacy's wedding...
I think someone was poking fun at her and you can tell by her
 gesture she was shaking her head and giving them a piece of her mind...

Day 47:

Mom and dad decided to spend the entire on a "date". Dad popped her in the wheelchair and whizzed her around all over the hospital and even went outside for a bit. I'm sure it was so refreshing to get out of her room and enjoy some fresh air.

Mom wanted me to share the following words of inspiration for today: Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift. 

Let me call attention to the Day # here. Yes's day #47. That means we're approaching the two month mark of moms new "adventure". Can you imagine being in a hospital, surrounded by beeping noises, new people in and out of your room, sharing a room with a stranger, not having any personal space, having to re-learn so many things, having patience with yourself because you know you "used" to be able to do something, having your blood drawn all day, not eating your own food, not having your own schedule and about not even sleeping in your own bed? Wow, it's not often that we draw attention to what could be categorized as negative but let they be a reminder to us all that it's our attitude is something we can control. Throughout these 47 days, mom continues to be happy, optimistic, confident in her abilities, friendly, kind and loving.

In the saying, "when life gives you lemons you make lemonade"...the  lemonade piece here could be something like, in the past 47 days, mom:
1. Hasn't had to cook, clean or wash a single dish!
2. She's saved a ton of money as she hasn't had any haircuts or highlights
3. She's lost weight without having to go the gym
4. She's not driving so she's saving lots of money on gas

In  your comments...write in what you think #5 is! This will be fun to see what you all think the "lemonade" is!!!


  1. Boise, we recommend giving up the lemonade and ask that you begin to make 'margaritas' with those lemons,girlfriend!!

    We are heading back to Arizona after spending time with family and friends in S.Florida. We lived here for 18 years before we moved to TRR.

    We look forward to seeing you soon, Boise and Don.

    Hugs from Ft Lauderdale....Donna/Kathy

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Today My Mom did not have a muddy dog run in the front door and jump in her lap. I sent her a pig-ture of me after my romp with the other dogs and my brief dip in the mud hole.

    Lubs, Teddy

  4. 5. Has motivated her concerned friends to unabashedly express their love and good wishes.

    Laurel & Ron Bailey

  5. As dictated by BOISE:
    6. When I lie in bed I practice moving my limbs my index finger up and down. This is a lemondade because the left side of my body is starting to kick in
    7. Don brings me Maple Bars and Starbucks coffee. Sure beats the hospital food so that's been good!

    exciting news..our show mare,godiva gave birth to a little colt at 500 this morning att this moment he is a bay roan,but his color mxy change as he grows older.
    can't wait for you to enjoy a picture

  6. p.s. auntie chris i feel terrible about the mud but it sure was fun is jim mad? love teddy

  7. *** Hi MOM ***

    It is me.......TEDDY ! Auntie Chris wants you to know that she does not ever care about silly stuff like MUD. Dude got muddy too but I am better at it. He walked through it but I took a bath in it. It was FUN!!!

    Mud washes off of stuff and Auntie Chris says that my big smile is worth every little bit of mud. I think she likes me. So does Uncle Jim.

    Dude and I are both going to have our paws crossed for you tomorrow. It is hard for us to walk with our paws crossed so we will be expecting good news really fast that you are all done.

    Gotta go now. Uncle Bob and Auntie Bonnie are coming over to take " The Boys" on a walk. We like them very much and I run run run to see them when they get here.

    Lubs, Teddy

  8. My answer for #5 would be that Boise, using her strength & tenacity to conquer her journey, has empowered the rest of us to be all that we can be!! Thank you!!

    Always, Janet, Scott & Kessa
