Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 52: Post Surgery Update

Day 52: Post Surgery Update

Well, the image says it all. What originally was to take just 40 minutes turned into a 3 1/2 surgery. Everything went great, surgeon said technically everything went perfect. It was the very same surgeon who did mom's original surgery...we like him, in fact one would argue that we actually love him.

As of 7:00pm, mom is still in recovery and dad hasn't seen her yet. After recovery she'll be wheeled up to her original stomping ground, ICU. Not sure how long she'll be there but the hope is that after a few days she'll go back to the rehab center so can start walking, skipping, jumping and then running! Wahoo!

So, let us take a moment to be grateful for every single person we know, every friend we have, every living plant in your house, every dog or cat in your life, every stranger that gives you a smile, every everything that matters to you.

And speaking for mom, she wanted me to give a huge, huge, huge and gigantic thank you to JIM and CHRIS CLARK who are caring for their dog, Teddy. Thank you! I think she and dad talk every single day about how grateful they are to you both, (Dude too) for taking Teddy in. Having the peace of mind knowing a family member is with you brings a comfort and appreciation they can't explain.


  1. *** HI MOM ***
    and hi Dad and Auntie Stacey.

    That was so nice of my mom to thank Auntie Chris. Auntie Chris says I am a silly boy and make her laugh all the time.

    I do like it here but it is not like being at home with my own family. Mom needs to keep practicing walking so she can come see me. Dude and I know she can do it. She can do anything !!!

    ps...I think I am coming home with a few bad habits. It is not my fault! Dude made me do it.
    ( snicker snicker ).....

    Lubs and sloppy kisses to all my family.

  2. OOPS....this is Teddy again

    thank you for the update on my MOM. Now Dude and I can uncross our paws.

    I know everyone really likes seeing the updates. Then they all think really good thoughts about my MOM and those good thoughts fly right to Phoenix and wrap her up with LOVE.

    Lubs, Teddy

  3. Blessings to the doctors/nurses/technicans -the entire hospital "Team Boise."

    We continue the journey -one day at a time.

    I-17 S is a steady stream of prayers and positivity.


  4. We are grateful for all that we have; friends and our family and yes, our fuzzy friends too. We are very grateful for the doctors and nurses who are so talented, loving and kind in helping our Boise. We pray that today is a day of healing and feeling better. xo

  5. we miss you and Don very much, but know you will be with us all soon,keep movin forward dear heart, we are always with you Love and hugs, Bev, Lani, Coxy, Sydney, Lacy, Cary, Taz, Nutty, and Neha!!!!!!!!!
