Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 54: Skateboard time!

This is going to be mom in no time!

Day 54:

Mom is still in ICU and probably the best patient on the floor. We're not sure how long she'll be there but probably not too long.

The funny for the day:
I was talking with mom earlier and discussing how exciting it was that the therapists goal is to have her walking soon. She said, if it were up to dad she's be on a skateboard next week!

Two sweet parts for the day:
1. As mom is back where it all began, many nurses on ICU are frequent visitors in her room. Although mom doesn't remember any of them, they remember her. They all say it's such a nice gift to be able to see a patient who has made remarkable strides. For them to know that they played such a big role in her recovery must be incredibly rewarding.

2. The surgeon who did both operations on mom was clearly fluffing his feathers today and not shy about it. He said that when he sees patients like mom, it makes his job worth it. To see someone make such a remarkable, surprising return to health makes her a poster child.

Have a great night!


  1. It's so good to read these updates...A Poster Child! Boise, you are doing so incredibly well and working so hard. You are amazing and have such fantastic internal and mental strengths to get through each day. Do keep up your positive attitude ~ it's like watching a flower bud open up! A "wose" bud!

  2. **** HI MOM ***

    I had the best day yesterday. So this morning I started thinking. I am a Golden Retriever. I am always HAPPY and PAWS-ative about life. I think my Mom must be part retriever too. I was thinking about the “little” things in life that can change to big things in life. How we can celebrate those little/big things with a smile and a happy tail:

    Having Starbucks and a maple bar
    Seeing my Dad !
    Moving that little finger on your left hand
    Having dinner with my Dad!
    Taking five steps
    Getting on the bed with my Dad!
    ( mom, pretend you did not see that part)
    Making progress to going home
    Seeing my Mom soon !

    YEP !!!!! I got to see my Dad yesterday. I was SO happy.

    Dude and I are going to celebrate the little things by going for a walk. I am thinking and waiting for the BIG Mom coming home.

    Lubs, Teddy

  3. Teddy, your mom needs her dog - pure and simple! I know she is doing everything humanly possible to get back to TRR to be with you. Dude's family has been totally awesome during these days.

    We are all so fortunate to have such terrific neighbors at TRR.

    Hope to see Boise soon -- a Don sighting would be welcomed also!

    Prayers continue -- Donna/Kathy

  4. Hi Boise, I am showing Patti how to join the blog!

    We have so much to chat about - this is a test for her.

    xo Kathy
