Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 59: Green beans for Teddy

Day 59:

Quote from mom:"little hiccup yesterday. i fell, but catscan and xray were clear. still planning on coming home in a few weeks. hangin there teddy. green beans are healthy.
kisses, mom."

When I talked to dad this morning it was business as usual. Therapy and more therapy.

What mom wrote above is true and threw us all for a loop. Mom did fall late last night which scared the 

you know what out of us all. Mom is okay but I'm sure a bit scared of what could have happened. Reminds us that as much as we (a.k.a family but we'll include you too) see the end in sight and we talk daily about the incredible progress mom is making...we have to remember that she is stretching her limits every day. We have to remember that what she is doing requires effort, is hard. It's frustrating. It's tiring.

It's safe to say that mom wants to come home..she's very excited to be home.


  1. Glad everything is okay! While that must have been frightening, it does tell us how much you are striving to continue your forward progress. We think of you all day in the most simple tasks we do, and wonder at how beautiful the human body is with all of it's intricacies. Your healing is taking place each moment of everyday as you inch closer to being home again. xoxo

  2. most therapy not in rehab gym today. major flooding downstairs.
    i walked for the first time with s 4 pronged cane a beginning.

  3. Terrific news, Boise -- walking at all is miraculous!! You are one tough cookie - we love your determination and resilient spirit -- great energy and overall attitude!!

    Girlfriend, we are walking with you one step at a time!

    Hugs, Donna/Kathy
