Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 36: Resting


Day 36:

Today was a nice, relaxing day for mom. Her blood pressure was very low today so she got the day off from physical therapy! (her pressure usually runs really low even before the "stroke adventure").

Dad said that she slept most of the day which I'm sure she's enjoying. He said sometimes he sneaks out just to see what happens if he's not in the room and chances are...when he leaves...she sleeps.

She is becoming more and more aware of her left side so as you've noticed, everyday is a new discovery and accomplishment. She's super motivated and is so anxious to try to walk. Yes...you read that right. If it were up to her she's be walking today but all in time. 

Mom's mentality..."I CAN":
  1. Survive life threatening brain surgery
  2. Learn to swallow
  3. Learn to sit up
  4. Learn balance
  5. Reacquaint herself with her left side
  6. Can feed herself
  7. Can brush her teeth by herself
  8. Learning self reliance
  9. Be okay with the fact that her blood has been drawn over 148 times
  10. Sure...I think I'll walk again
Our mentality:

1. Holy crap...she did what???

So let's take mom's lead this week...challenge yourself to do something this week that you didn't think you could do before. Amaze yourself and amaze yourself!

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