Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 28: 4 legged friends

Mom apparently giving dad dancing lessons

Day 28: 

I (Stacy) and sitting in the room with mom so this blog post is coming directly from mom herself :). 
"In addition to my Talking Rock friends, some fun 4 legged friends have entered her life. The hospital has therapy dogs who are making their way into moms room which she loves. Her latest visitor was "Abbey", a short haired pointer. Mom finds it amazing that all the dogs are rescue dogs!

One was a golden lab, another one named "Delmar" was a long haired chihuahua,  another a German Shepard mix that that the handler found running in the street and adopted.

Some highlights today:
1. Mom has moved her left foot on her OWN! This means the synapses are firing up! This is huge news, huge, huge, huge...

To moms friend, Debbie and John...thank you for the brownies. Mom says it was like eating frosting right out of the jar! They were also shared with the hospital staff who also loved! "

Have a great day!


  1. Donna and I have a recommendation, Stacy --

    The attached picture should be enlarged and placed in within Mom's visual field -- this dancing pose is the goal - to be back in Don's arms strolling ever so gracefully across the floor!!

    Love those companion dogs -- they are the best medicine ever!!

    Prayers and good energy heading south!


  2. Crying tears of joy!! Again, we are so happy for you!! You will be waltzing across the dance floor soon!!

    Always, Janet, Scott & Kessa

  3. Love the photo! You can so see the connection between Boise and Don. And we love today's news. Time, perseverence, great medical care, and the Lord's grace will heal. XOXOXO!

    Laurel & Ron


    This is TEDDY !

    I got to see my DAD today and it was wonderful. I even hugged him I was so happy happy happy.

    Now I want to see my MOM too. I can be a therapy dog. OK, that might take a little work since I wiggle a lot when I am happy. But I will practice very hard because I know I ( me me me ! ) would be very good therapy for my MOM. I am glad that other dogs are visiting her and bringing a smile. Dogs do that, you know.

    I sure miss her so will someone give her a big hug for me?

    lubs Teddy
