Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 19: End on a happy note

Mom, Dad and Izzy in 2007

Day 19:

I just talked to  Dad who said it was just a remarkable day. As you know, she is paralyzed on her left side but we hope it is just temporary. Today they were working with mom and after some adjustments, pillows and other things, she was able to hold and grasp on to a ball on her left side. At this point, we're just continuing to hold our breath and hope that this is a sign that we can give into, perhaps take as a true indication that her left side might be changing. Although her range of motion and ability to feel her left side is void, they are teaching her to use her left side to her benefit.

My aunt said that in just one day she can do 100 more things and that she is making gigantic improvements.

Tomorrow will be another action packed day and mom is one of the fellow millions of viewers watching the Superbowl! (yes...she loves football)

1 comment:

  1. Well, I sure hope Boise is cheering for the Giants tonight!

    They have fought back just like Boise is fighting back -- each small step is a major accomplishment.

    Enjoy the game! Go Giants!

