Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 19: A few ups and downs

Mom and Clay in Colorado

Day 19:

Mom's been at it again...working and working! Her day is filled with therapy and she is pooped. Dad said that the nurses have said that what takes you and I one ounce of effort takes her 10 times the effort.

Imagine that...the next time you get up to get a glass of water pay attention to how your hands and legs move, how your body effortlessly grabs a cup, turns on the water and how seemless you can move it to your mouth.

Mom had a very big moment today...she stood up and... promptly passed out! Luckily she had many people around to help her but considering she hasn't been upright on her feet in almost three weeks, I guess we can't blame her.

Despite her being light headed, this is a huge day for mom! 


  1. Tell Boise I said I think we all are a bit of a mess. But she is doing great so keep it up. I got a wonderful email from Sara Moher I would like to share:

    " I have been thinking about a name for Boise's colt. Since what she's gone through has demonstrated a tremendous amount of strenght, bravery, and courage how about something like: Audacious spirit, or heroic spirit. Or the Spanish word for fortitude is Fortileza if the colat is a filly. Just please pass this on to Boise as I have her in my thoughts and prayers each day. And I do too. Mess or not. You are amoung my favorite people in the world and having you in to "mess things up" is great by me. With Love, Sharon L.

  2. The roller coaster ride continues, Stacy! The fact that Mom is at this stage of progress is down right remarkable and maybe even miraculous!

    So we simply continue our onslaught of prayer and positivity...we know it is making a difference.

    One step at a time, dear Boise.

    Team Boise let's keep the energy moving!


  3. Boise, Keep it up & you will be home soon. We are so happy to hear the progress each day. I know that it is difficult but YOU CAN DO IT!! Take care, my friend, heal quickly & come home soon!! Always, Janet, Scott & Kessa

  4. Fabulous!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADY!!! We loved the picture, but we have a question. What's that stuff on Don's head?
