Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 28: Evening update

Mom and Stacy in Denver 2005

Day 28:

Who said adventure wouldn't have it's ups and downs? Come along on Boise's adventure and you'll see highs and lows, rainy and sunny days, gloomy and cloudy days to rainbows and maybe even a pot of gold.

We were zooming along great today until about 12:00 when we were told mom had to get a new "procedure" done. Mom and the doctors thought it would be clever to install something in her leg which would prevent a blood clot from racing into her heart. Everything went well, she's resting comfortably and in la la land.

Blood clots are very common and the procedure done today was very ordinary but poor her it just seems like a never ending saga. All she wants is to get out and back to rehab. She wears an expression on her face and we asked her what she was thinking as she was wearing this expression. She said, "get on with it"!

Needless to say, she's chomping at the bit to get going! She's talking about just wanting to move, get better and out of the hospital.

As a side note, maybe I wrote this earlier somewhere some of you know I'm in Colorado and for the past two weeks my only connection to mom has been through dad and my aunt. By nature of being a parent I was reluctant to believe all the "good" stuff that they were saying about mom to shield my brother or I from any unwanted news. I was certain that they weren't telling us all the truth and perhaps embellishing on her milestones.

People...I'm here to tell you now after almost 40 years of being his daughter, I can 100% trust my dad!

Just as dad has said, she is thriving. She looks fantastic. She's alert. She's totally coherent. She's witty. She's loving. She's sweet. She's polite. She's regaining her strength. She's funny. Spending time with her today I was amazed at my conversation with her...our mom and your friend is back.

PS...thank you for all the photos today!


  1. Stacy, it is great to see your photo!

    TERRIFIC update for today. We am so glad that Boise is back. :-))))))))))))

    Chris, Jim, and the Golden-Boys

  2. Again, tears of joy!! Boise, you are an amazing woman!! & your husband, your daughter & your son are just as amazing. To keep us updated daily is a commitment beyond what is expected of you during this time. Thank you...just keep "getting on with it!!!" Always, Janet, Scott & Kessa

  3. Wow, what a wonderful update, even with the speed bumps. And as Boise will sometimes say , its all about me, get me out of here!!!!!!!!!!! And though Boise will say its all about me, we know in her heart, its all about her family and friends, such a caring person. Boise your such a wonderful spirt that we can all learn from, and the picture of you and Stacy so classy, so much alike, so beautiful.

    And Stacy your are right about your Dad, he is the real deal, someone we all trust and love.

    Keep the fight going and you will all be out of there.

    love mike and candy, ok and the gang corky, spotty, kona, dually and duller.
