Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 44: Great day!

Mee Mee and Izzy 2008 in Arizona

Day 44:

Mom had a great day of therapy, as usual. Dad said she was in great spirits today, as usual!

We found out today that her next surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday. Another big day for mamacita. She's a bit nervous, who wouldn't be? On the flip side, how exciting. It's coming full circle and after the surgery it's another stint in ICU to recover (where she can see her old nurse friends) and then back to rehab.

And then...after rehab...let's spell it together now, d-i-s-c-h-a-r-g-e. At least that's what we're hoping and focusing on. :)

Let the good news keep rolling...tomorrow is bound to be another great day!

Day 43: Special message for us!

Day 43: 

Day 43: 

Mom had an incredible day, perhaps you know why?
If you look on Day 42 and read the comments, you will see that mom WROTE a comment! She tried a few days ago but the computer of all things was being goofy but yesterday...she wrote us all a comment! Unlike you and I where we can type with both hands or even peck at the keyboard with one finger, mom has it a bit different. She has to really pay attention and focus. I would imagine the message she wrote yesterday took her about an hour? I'll double check with her but it takes a lot of time which makes the message even sweeter.
I think that reading the blog and writing on the blog is part of her therapy so in moving forward, please read the comments for special messages! 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 42: All about the LEFT

A perfect picture for today...Mom is saying to us all, "I told you so"

Day 42:

It's a great day today! Wow...what a great day. 

Mom was hooked up to some kind of electrical sleeve which activated the movement of her left side. Although she can't move her fingers on her own, when the sleeve was on she was able to move her fingers! Apparently the therapist was thrilled because it was a sign that one day, mom will be able to move her fingers on her own. stood up with the help of the therapist and...wait for it....took one step!

You know how you get up in the morning and swing your feet over the side of the bed? Mom is now able to do this on her left side.

Her balance is continuing to improve and the strength she is regaining is amazing.

Let's see what other incredible news Tuesday brings us!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 41: Passing the time

Katie, Mom, Dad and Andy

Day 41:
Mom had a great day resting and sleeping. Being the weekend she's able to catch up on her ZZZ's to gear up for a busy week of therapy.

Today dad said that she was moving her left wrist all day. Seems like more and more, she's moving her left side. Keep up the good work mamacita!

Everyday brings more and more excitement. These combined baby steps will one day lead her to standing up by herself and then dare we say, walk? Golf? Ride a horse again? My vote is absolutely! She's defied everything so far...why stop now right?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Daya 40: Pigging out!

Dad saying to mom, "Can I tempt you with some mac'n cheese"?

Day 40:

Being a Saturday, mom got to rest most of the day. Well, we should say her body rested but not her tummy! The highlight of the day is mom ate about a pound of mac'n cheese! She wanted gourmet mac'n cheese which is death in a plastic container.( All according to Dad of course).

It's safe to say that mom's appetite is back.Yesterday was Sonic Burger and today was the Park Avenue Deli where she ate fried sauerkraut, pastromi, cheese, Russian dressing on toasted kaiser rolls? Delish!
One interesting exercise was using her left side, she has to hold a cup (with the support of someone elses hand) and practice the movement of drinking. Dad said you could feel the muscles working and that if anything, it's the visual movement the therapists mom want her to see. Kinda like triggering some muscle memory and reminding her body...this is what you do with me!

Alrighty folks...until tomorrow! Maybe she'll polish a few more maple bars...mmmmm, her favorite!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 39: Moving Left Wrist

Mom and Dad at a Derby Party

Day 39:

Today was another great day! Mom was able to move her left wrist a few times today, her CAT scan came back normal and...apparently the surgeons are all off next week so she has more time to do rehab before her next surgery.
The weekend is around the corner which means she'll be light on the therapy and can enjoy having her son Clay nearby.
Have a great Friday evening!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 38: Great day!

Mom and Mike Stevens

Day 38:

Well, not much to report today other than a few other miracles. Doesn't that have a funny ring? I mean seriously...everyday mom is just mending, healing, surprising herself and all of us with her incredible moments and jaw dropping accomplishments. 

Today her blood pressure was a bit low so they pardoned the physical therapy but were able to do vocational therapy. It's so interesting to hear they types of things they she was learning how to use both arms and reaching them, moving them, teaching them how to move together.

She also was able to move her left elbow and left wrist on her own.

And...she was able to sit on the edge of the bed for two minutes while balancing herself!

Tomorrow Clay, (her son) will be out for a visit and seeing first hand her amazing transformation.

If you find any more pictures or have a funny story to share, please send them along! ( Also, if a picture, could you send in a .jpg?

Thanks to Team Boise for keeping her spirits so high and being an integral piece in her recovery!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 37: Mom's reading the blog at therapy

Day 37

Today at 3pm mom and her therapists will be reading the blog as part of her therapy. Given this:

Dad Loves You!
Clay Loves You!
I love You!
Jo Jo Loves You!
Layne Loves you! 
All of your family Love you!
I can't wait to see you soon!
Frosting is waiting! Brownies are waiting!
Izzy is waiting!
Izzy and I can't wait to go shopping with you! Where are we going for a special girls trip? 
We all miss you!
We all love you!
And...your blog has been viewed 6500 times! 

Day 37: Moms DREAM TEAM!

Whoopsies...I have no idea how the bottom one got flipped!

Day 37:

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to mom's SALVATION team! (that's what mom calls them)

The top picture is at mom's birthday party. The top picture is Buffy with mom. The middle picture has  on the left  of mom Nikki Sinclair  and on the right of mom is Chelsey Schmidt. One of them is mom's physical therapist and the other is the occupational therapist. Yes, you see flowers there that THEY brought to mom. Who does that these days? The bottom flipped picture is Visante Madsen who is mom's speech therapist.

There is another picture on it's way of Buffy who is yet another therapist working with mom. They are collectively called, "TEAM 6" and they really are a dream team.

Saying we owe these ladies a huge round of applause, kisses, hugs, thanks and a many tears of appreciation will never do them justice. These ladies work so hard with mom and push her, challenge her and encourage her on a daily basis. They may look sweet and nice (which of course they are) but their mission is to get mom back in tip top shape. That means that they go, go, go all day long. As a result of their incredible talents in their field and wonderful personalities, mom is now able to brush her teeth, balance herself, lift her head, count backwards, out wit dad when grocery shopping and probably a 1,000 other things we don't even know about.

When I talk to mom, dad and Jo Jo they all comment, everyday on how lucky we all are to have them as therapists working with mom. Some people may say that it's just part of their job or who they are...I would argue that there is a piece in all of us that actually loves them.To hear how they are able to work with mom, their patience, attentiveness and willingness to help her can bring and has brought many tears to our eyes.

On behalf of moms family and friends, WE LOVE YOU Nikki, Chelsey, Visante and Buffy. Thank you for taking such care of our mom, wife, friend and family and bring her back to us.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 36: Resting


Day 36:

Today was a nice, relaxing day for mom. Her blood pressure was very low today so she got the day off from physical therapy! (her pressure usually runs really low even before the "stroke adventure").

Dad said that she slept most of the day which I'm sure she's enjoying. He said sometimes he sneaks out just to see what happens if he's not in the room and chances are...when he leaves...she sleeps.

She is becoming more and more aware of her left side so as you've noticed, everyday is a new discovery and accomplishment. She's super motivated and is so anxious to try to walk. read that right. If it were up to her she's be walking today but all in time. 

Mom's mentality..."I CAN":
  1. Survive life threatening brain surgery
  2. Learn to swallow
  3. Learn to sit up
  4. Learn balance
  5. Reacquaint herself with her left side
  6. Can feed herself
  7. Can brush her teeth by herself
  8. Learning self reliance
  9. Be okay with the fact that her blood has been drawn over 148 times
  10. Sure...I think I'll walk again
Our mentality:

1. Holy crap...she did what???

So let's take mom's lead this week...challenge yourself to do something this week that you didn't think you could do before. Amaze yourself and amaze yourself!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 35: Special Message from Boise

Day 35: Evening emotions

I just got off the phone with mom who was sharing a wonderful, heartfelt hour with her sister Jo. They were reading all of the cards that poured in today and they have been teary eyed and weepy  all evening. At one point she was trying to read me a card and she had to stop and pass off the phone because she was crying.

Mom specifically told me to put on the blog tonight:

I am so touched by the support and love from my friends. I literally draw from their love and energy. I am truly blessed and I love hearing from Dude and Teddy. My sister and I are crying as these loving, loving thoughts that are sent my way. 

Then Jo Jo got on the phone and she tried also to read me the card but she couldn't do it either! Then she finally composed herself and she read one card that was so heartfelt, so loving, so sweet. All of the cards, every one of them is sentimental and  means more to mom that I can express in words. 

Day 35: Using those muscles!

Mom and friends

Day 35:

Everyday miracles continue to happen for mamacita. 

Dad said that today she was sitting up on a bed, feet dangling over and balancing herself. She was also able to bend over and pick up and move cones from side to side.

She also had to play another game and lay on the bed and hold a beach ball in both hands. She had to hold the ball and move it up over her head and then down to her legs. She is able to this! Her left side is waking up and able to hel.
Mom as always, continues to be happy, sweet and thoughtful of everyone. 
Dad also mentions almost daily the generosity of so many of you. Between the cards for mom, the unexpected gifts and then the spoiling of the hospital staff, he is able to bask in the sunlight and appreciation of so many kind, thoughtful and loving friends. Although he has never said this (I can because I have all blogger powers!) there are days when I know he is tired and worn out. He's got a job too and it's a 5am to 10pm job. Please know he too is greatly comforted by outpouring of true kindness found in all of you.

Many of you have asked for the address of her rehab center which is listed below:
Good Samaritan Rehab Center
Patient: Boise Taylor
1012 E. Willetta
Phoenix, AZ 85006

Until tomorrow...!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 34: Just like old times

Dad, Mom and a beautiful friend (sorry, I don't know her name)

Day 34:

So dad called me just now and said, "we're just having some breakfast and thought we'd call and check in".

I was totally smiling because how he said it and was describing their day was so normal. Before the stroke, this would be the exact message he or mom would leave. So casual as if it was just another normal day! I love it!

Dad even said he was going to try to get mom to watch some golf....yes dad loves golf but he has other reasons. Watching TV forces mom to look up and maybe even left which is what she's working on. Also, they can play a mental exercise such as who is playing, what kind of club do you think they're using etc.

Funny story regarding mental is kicking dads behind in this game! Yesterday the therapist, mom and dad were playing a grocery store game. Each person had to pretend they were at the store and buy something with a specific letter in the alphabet. As each person would state their item, the next person would have to repeat what the other person said and then add to the list.

For example, A=apple (therapist), B= banana (mom), C = cucumbers (dad). Well, as everyone was adding to the list and repeating the items, dad was the one forgetting!

As it's Sunday, Dad said he has a "hall pass" and was going to wheel mom around the hospital and the grounds. A nice change to get out and about and spend the day relaxing before she has to go back to work tomorrow!

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Day 33: Same old, same old

Day 33

Today was another great day. The therapists came in on their day off and worked mama to the bone. She had some incredible milestones today:

1. While laying down, she was able to raise her left arm (yes...the side that was paralyzed)
2. She stood up 3 times with the help of others and isn't as dizzy
3. Eating a lot!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 32: Overtime?

Mom and Dad

Day 32:
Mom is fabulous, fantastic and kicking some serious booty!

I just spoke with dad who is doing cartwheels because everyone is so thrilled and overwhelmed with her progress that the physical therapists are coming in tomorrow to help her with more therapy. Yes, they did have Saturday off but they too are so excited about her incredible progress that they're willing to donate their personal time just to see this incredible reward. Another wonderful reminder that there are kind, loving and wonderful people that come into our lives at rather unexpected times.

Mom is determined and very motivated. She tries everyday, she has a great attitude and will do anything the therapists want her to do.

As a result of her wonderful spirit and therapy, some major highlights today are:
1. She was able to show resistance in her arm today, left arm
2. She raised her left leg a bit and she felt it
3. She moved her left arm by herself
4. The therapists said that based on what they see today, they feel very confident that we should aim high to see a 100% recovery!!!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 31: Happy Birthday Boise

Mom, Dad, Oxy and Murphy

Day 31:
It's moms birthday and what a great gift she has already received by being transported back to rehab! She was officially transferred yesturday back to rehab where all IV's have been removed, all sticky tape for the heart monitors removed, all hospital gowns removed, etc.

Dad said that the therapists are stunned at what she is able to do. She's able to somewhat bend her left knee, move her left foot and when she's standing, can straighten her left leg. She stood up yesterday for about a minute, straightened her leg and then got light headed.

Doctors will do the next surgery in about 3 weeks and then....the skies are clear, white puffy clouds fill the sky and the birds are really chirping as she may be discharged. We don't think that it means she's coming home but she will be moved to another rehab center where she'll continue to get stronger and stronger.

Happy Birthday!!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 30: Who's counting though...

Mom, Dad, Byron, Melanie and Ms Patti!

Day 30:

Dad was able to share with mom all the cards this morning and many of them brought them both to tears. Your sweet, inspiring and kind words are beyond tender and are like a warm, very sentimental hug to mom. Words cannot express the emotions she feels when she hears and sees the cards.

Wiping tears again...

Some great news is the doctor said mom is off of ALL dietary restrictions. She wants a Sonic burger - check. She wants a McDonalds shake - check. She wants grilled cheese sandwiches - check! 

With baby steps like these, we are all seeing the end in sight. We're a bit off from being discharged all together but we've all booked our tickets, we're buckled in and about to enjoy a calm, enjoyable ride.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 29: Too good not to post

Day 29: More wedding pictures

Day 29:

Dad and I just got back from dinner and heard some news from the doctor. We're all doing the Happy Dance because:

  1. They're in the position now to eliminate a particular medicine from mom
  2. Physical therapy is coming in tomorrow to reassess mom (she really misses the rehab so this will be very uplifting for her)!
  3. They're getting super duper close to perfecting the medicine that will control the clots while not interfering with anything related to her brain surgery. Getting close...
  4. A few other issues are working their way which makes us all very happy!
So at dinner tonight, give a toast to happy Boise and lots of chocolate! 

Happy Valentines Day!

Day 29: Uneventful...a good thing!

Mom's wedding day with her sister Jo Jo

Day 29:
Mom wanted to send a special Valentine wish to you all and wishes she could be spending her Valentine's dinner with you all. May you enjoy all the yummy treats and chocolates as you all deserve.

She had a great, non-eventful day and is getting anxious to get back to rehab where everyone's stress levels will go down.

She has a new roommate today who was dealt a bad hand of cards to say the least. We overheard the nurses and doctors talking about all of her conditions and mom looked at me and said, "this is when people have a reality check and get over their pity parties". She said, when people complain about the snow outside, be grateful you can feel the cold, when people talk about a tiff with a friend, be grateful you have a friend, etc. (okay, I made up the part about a tiff with a friend but you get the gist).

Again, the influx of cards has been so nice and she is grateful to each and every one of you. I am able to read the blog to mom and share the many sweet comments left daily for her. What a treasure for her to hear. I find her closing her eyes with a slight smile on her face as if I'm singing her a lullaby. 

Funny story and a game of odds....Boise was sent two identical boxes of gourmet brownies from the Burkes and the Smiths. They were delivered at the same time, same packaging, ordered the same day and delivered the SAME day to Boise. When we got two packages we only opened one thinking it was from the same person. Turns out the Burkes and the Smiths ordered the same thing at the same time. Thank you both the Burkes and the Smiths! Mom just said they were so wonderful, as if she was eating frosting right out of a jar...delicious!

We are getting so many cards with well wishes, we even got one from Nordstrom's!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 28: Evening update

Mom and Stacy in Denver 2005

Day 28:

Who said adventure wouldn't have it's ups and downs? Come along on Boise's adventure and you'll see highs and lows, rainy and sunny days, gloomy and cloudy days to rainbows and maybe even a pot of gold.

We were zooming along great today until about 12:00 when we were told mom had to get a new "procedure" done. Mom and the doctors thought it would be clever to install something in her leg which would prevent a blood clot from racing into her heart. Everything went well, she's resting comfortably and in la la land.

Blood clots are very common and the procedure done today was very ordinary but poor her it just seems like a never ending saga. All she wants is to get out and back to rehab. She wears an expression on her face and we asked her what she was thinking as she was wearing this expression. She said, "get on with it"!

Needless to say, she's chomping at the bit to get going! She's talking about just wanting to move, get better and out of the hospital.

As a side note, maybe I wrote this earlier somewhere some of you know I'm in Colorado and for the past two weeks my only connection to mom has been through dad and my aunt. By nature of being a parent I was reluctant to believe all the "good" stuff that they were saying about mom to shield my brother or I from any unwanted news. I was certain that they weren't telling us all the truth and perhaps embellishing on her milestones.

People...I'm here to tell you now after almost 40 years of being his daughter, I can 100% trust my dad!

Just as dad has said, she is thriving. She looks fantastic. She's alert. She's totally coherent. She's witty. She's loving. She's sweet. She's polite. She's regaining her strength. She's funny. Spending time with her today I was amazed at my conversation with her...our mom and your friend is back.

PS...thank you for all the photos today!

Day 28: 4 legged friends

Mom apparently giving dad dancing lessons

Day 28: 

I (Stacy) and sitting in the room with mom so this blog post is coming directly from mom herself :). 
"In addition to my Talking Rock friends, some fun 4 legged friends have entered her life. The hospital has therapy dogs who are making their way into moms room which she loves. Her latest visitor was "Abbey", a short haired pointer. Mom finds it amazing that all the dogs are rescue dogs!

One was a golden lab, another one named "Delmar" was a long haired chihuahua,  another a German Shepard mix that that the handler found running in the street and adopted.

Some highlights today:
1. Mom has moved her left foot on her OWN! This means the synapses are firing up! This is huge news, huge, huge, huge...

To moms friend, Debbie and John...thank you for the brownies. Mom says it was like eating frosting right out of the jar! They were also shared with the hospital staff who also loved! "

Have a great day!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 27: Change in real estate

Mom and Candy in Arizona

Day 27:
Mom is in great spirits this morning as she's waiting for a new bed in the main hospital. She's headed back to the 6th floor where the doctors and nurses will be monitoring her more frequently as well as she's freeing up a bed in her old rehab stomping ground.

We don't know how long she'll be there but we think over the next few days or so until they determine that the clot clearing medicine is working its magic. Let's all get our magic wands and send some magic over!

My aunt said this morning that we would've even recognize her as she is so much stronger and has so much life in her. She's moving her body on her own and is just getting reacquainted with her left side. There definitely something happening on the left side and we're getting excited to see more and more milestones everyday. 

For now, mom is to rest and enjoy her time off of all therapies.

Wands up everyone!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 26: Back to the drawing board

Gotta put back old Teddy Bear who is chanting, no more clots, no more clots

Day 26:

We'll, we're on the hunt for some luck we can pass on to mom.St. Patrick's day is right around the corner so let's all pool our resources and cash in on any luck that's coming our way and pass it on to mom.

Doctors confirmed she has blood clot(s). Having one isn't uncommon but she has multiple clots in her legs and her lungs. So....having said that she's back on an IV with clot BUSTING medicine. Maybe this is just her way to getting out of therapy because she's back in bed all day for the next few days until these darn clots disappear.

Let me put on my doctor badge and try to explain what I "think" my dad told me. There are two kinds of caused by a blood clot and then another kind that mom had which was caused by an absence of a capillary. Yes, there's a formal name to it but I don't know what that's called.

The dilemma that we have is the medicine mom now has to take runs the possibility of inducing the "other" type of stroke that mom didn't experience.She's not in ICU but is being monitored.

I will share a family moment of gratitude that we live in 2012 where we have access to incredible doctors, machines, medicine that are intended to heal. We are already grateful for her full recovery.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 25: What she wants for her birthday

Sorry, I don't know how to rotate this picture says...
"You ain't bad enough"

Day 25:
So the cake above is one of three cakes that dad bought for the ICU floor, the 6th floor and now the therapists. There was joke made once by the therapist with mom and they were discussing the level of difficulty of something she had to do or something like that. So when dad gave them this cake everyone busted out in laughter. Dad says heck...if a cake will buy one more minute of attention from a doctor or a therapist...great!

Mom has had another busy day. I didn't know this until this morning but apparently mom gets an "agenda" for the day and literally every hour she meets with another therapist or doctor. Busy bee she is.

The highlights for today:
  •  Mom was able to brush her teeth by herself today!
  •  Wakes up with a great attitude, today being no exception
  •  With the help of modern technology and electrical "stuff" they are beginning to see that parts of moms left side is "doing something". Sometimes she can feel a twitch or a pain in places that she hadn't felt before
Everyday my dad and aunts tell me how well she is doing and just thriving. They said we would've even recognize her as she has gained so much more strength and mobility. She's not quite running marathons but we have high hopes!

I asked her about all the cards she's been receiving and she said she absolutely feels "embraced" by them. Thank you again for keeping her spirits high and so delighted.
I also asked mom what she wanted for her birthday and she said, "I want out of here"!

Have a great day!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 24: Exhaustion

MeeMee, Poppy and Izzy in Arizona, 2009
Day 24:

I talked with Dad and my Aunt Jo who said they are tired FOR mom. Monday thru Friday mom has a job, literally. She starts her day at 7am and ends about 4pm. Therapy, therapy and more therapy. Remember also that what takes you and I one ounce of effort takes her double if not triple so good for mom! 

Some highlights for today:
  • She's brushing her teeth on her own
  • Appetite has increased, a lot. Her confidence when it comes to eating and swallowing is increasing
  • She can sit up by herself for small periods of time
  • With the help of some specialized tools, she is able to move some parts of her left side
  • Dad said she's busy cracking jokes!
  • She ate all the sweet part to a maple bar donut...go figure!
Another incredible part of her day is when over 20+ cards were delivered to her. Cards from all of you who have taken time out of your day to send a special message to mom and enjoys each and every one. This weekend my aunt said that she will read each one over again so mom can take more time to see the card and enjoy the messages. Saturday and Sundays are rest days and no therapy takes place. So, it's a great time for mom to rest and gear up for work next week!

As a tribute to mom...go out and eat something yummy, maybe even a maple bar!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 23: Another banner day

Mom's favorite food group...

Day 23:
I actually had the chance to talk to mom this morning and she was filled with energy and excitement for the day. 
As expected and no surprise, the therapists continue to rave about mom and how sweeeet she is. So, much like the picture above, all she's missing is some chocolate and she'd be set.
She now has the ability to move her head to the left 45 degrees, a huge improvement from just 15 degrees a few days ago. She was able to move her left hand a bit today and had feeling at the top of her shoulder muscle.

We learned today that her second surgery will be three weeks from today where they re-attach the skull. 

Guess what she gets to do tomorrow...yup...more therapy. Everyday she continues to do her best and exceed expectations. Dad, Aunt Layne and Aunt Jo continue to spoil her and visit with her all day...or at least until they are kicked out!

*Please, if you have any pictures with Boise, please send to me*

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 22: Evening update

Mee Mee and Izzy in Colorado, 2008

Day 22: 
Sorry for the late post but it's worth the wait as mom is making another contribution to the blog tonight. Today alone she received over 20 cards from dear friends and family. Each and every one is read to her many times throughout the day and are working wonders on her emotional state of mind. Cards even received weeks ago are still referenced and a part of her everyday joy. Hearing such kind, soft and tender words and feeling the love and caring expressed in each one must move her in ways we cannot explain.

Per mom, "I feel enveloped by love, friendship, warmth and genuine well wishes. I do feel like there is a special spirit at Talking Rock". 
The wound on her head is healing nicely and the doctors were able to remove the stitches which mom was not fond of. In about 2 more weeks she will have the second surgery to add back the piece of skull that was removed. Sorry, as I write this I know it's a bit gory but well, for some reason I'm writing it. I'm wincing as I write it actually, maybe you are too. I guess it just brings it home, or brings it back home. It's severe, it's traumatic, it's an experience non of us want to have let alone talk about.  She's (dare to say) thriving in rehab and doing so well yet in two weeks there is another big hurdle. Yuck.

As always, she had PT and OT and getting stronger and stronger every day. When asked to wiggle her left toes (paralyzed side) she couldn't do it but...her left thigh muscle was contracting. What that means we don't know but continue to hold the belief in something is working which means one day, that something that's working will talk to her little toes and tell them to start wiggling. 
She is eating better and improving her chewing. She polished off some salmon tonight with baked potato. Yes, dad was sure to put lots of butter and sour cream on it just as she likes it!
Tomorrow dad meets with the doctors to determine where she will relocate in a few weeks. This is a very exciting day as we get to lift our heads up a bit and peek into the future.We've been used to looking at things day by day but now we can start looking week by week or even month by month. How exciting to think that maybe in a few months we will be taking mom out to a nice botanical garden and quietly enjoying the symbolism of what lies behind each budding flower. 
As always, thank you for your continuous thoughts and prayers for Boise.

Day 22: Pretty girl!

Awww, isn't she pretty? 

Day 22: 
No real news or change today. More and more physical therapy. I'll provide a more accurate update once I'm able to talk to my aunts who are with her this morning.

But...I will tell you this pretty little girl is having a birthday February 16th. She's turning 48, again.

More later!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 21: Message from Boise

MeeMee, Stacy and Izzy at the Brown Palace for tea...

Day 21:
Well, here's something special. Today mom recited exactly what SHE wanted to write on the blog for you all to read:
" The PT and OT's have both said that it's a good thing that I had Pilates classes and
did the walkathon as it has been helping a lot with the progress of my therapy. You need to 
appreciate the simple things in life like getting up with your husband in the morning and having 
coffee with him – or bouncing a balloon back and forth with your friend. 
Don’t take anything for granted".

On that note, my dad said earlier today and on these walkathons (Susan Komen 3 Day for a Cure) that everyday you would see the same people over the course of the three days. He said that there was a woman that inevitably they would be walking behind and the back of her shirt said the following:
" I will never procrastinate, I will never whine, I need nothing"

Mom is doing great and exhausted. Today she was in physical therapy for 6 hours and is making great progress. Soon she will be able to get in and out of the wheelchair by herself and her right leg continues to strengthen which means more and more independence.

Mom continually says, "I can do this, I can do this". She is determined to get better and even asked dad when the therapy will end! She said to me earlier the faster she gets better, the sooner she'll get out of there.

She also continues to ooze with sweetness. All of the nurses and therapists continually tell the family that she is the sweetest patient they have and everyday she floods them with nice words, compliments and thank you's. I don't think their used to being "thanked" after taking a patients blood but heck...they are now!

So there...take moms lead and put on your "sweetness hat". Use some nice words tongiht, say thank you and give someone a compliment.

Day 21: And she's off...

Mike and Candi Stevens, Mom, Dad and Patti (Price I think?) in Wickenburg, AZ

Day 21: Each day I write what "day" it is, it just baffles me. Three weeks and counting.

Today when I talked to Dad she was already off with the physical therapist working on standing and balance. I guess everyday is just filled with vigorous routines and exercises that are helping mom in many ways.

Doctor says that he "thinks" that in about 2-3 more weeks she will be released from her rehab center now but will be moved into another specialized rehab center for a period of time. For you folks in mom sightings in the future as apparently there are no such facilities in Prescott.We'll know more this week the possible locations.

Dad said the speech therapist is stunned at her progress and that in just a few days, she has gained about 15 degrees in range of motion in her neck. Additionally, she is making progress with her wheelchair and learning how to use it with the help of others. Sooner than we know it, mom will be working the wheelchair on her own, whizzing down the hallways to other patients rooms distributing the latest copies of Vogue. Way to go mom!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 20: A Peaceful Day

Mom and Dad in Colorado 2007'ish

Day 20:

Fitting for a Sunday, mom had a restful and peaceful day. She had some therapy but not as much as during the week. She is one tired puppy.

Many of you have sent such kind and sweet cards and they mean so much to mom. My dad and aunts read them to her many times per day. She is thriving off of words of inspiration. (Because there are so many cards, as a family have decided to not include "who" they are from. Each day she receives wonderful, warm, loving cards and it would be impossible to acknowledge each one of you. Know that each card just fills her heart with joy, happiness and motivation.  

One of you wrote on a card from Psalms 138:3...
"When I called, you answered me an you made me bold and stout hearted"

My aunt recited this to her at least 5 times just today and she found incredible comfort in these words. She told my aunt to make sure that I put this on the blog because it resonated so much with her.

She is appreciative to have so many friends like you who truely hold a special place in her heart.

Day 20: Doing great!

Mom and Dad in San Diego, 2007

Day 20:
Mom continues to hit incredible milestones and amaze all of us!

Today she ate all of her breakfast which is a new one. Dad said she was eating very little and that if she didn't step it up a notch, the feeding tube fairy would have to make a visit. Wouldn't you know it, she gobbled it all up. Honestly, it seems like what is holding her back from eating is from pure exhaustion.

What is hitting home to my aunts and Dad (who are with her everyday) is how exhausting the physical therapy continues to be. She again is a very determined mamacita and has her priorities in check. It's all about mom who is learing and regaining her strength, re-teaching her arms and legs to work and showing us what an inner drive she has.

So, as it's day 20 now...what have you learned so far? What has it made you re-think or what insights have you gained? There's no time like the present so get going...act on that insight, call that old friend or book that trip to Paris!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 19: End on a happy note

Mom, Dad and Izzy in 2007

Day 19:

I just talked to  Dad who said it was just a remarkable day. As you know, she is paralyzed on her left side but we hope it is just temporary. Today they were working with mom and after some adjustments, pillows and other things, she was able to hold and grasp on to a ball on her left side. At this point, we're just continuing to hold our breath and hope that this is a sign that we can give into, perhaps take as a true indication that her left side might be changing. Although her range of motion and ability to feel her left side is void, they are teaching her to use her left side to her benefit.

My aunt said that in just one day she can do 100 more things and that she is making gigantic improvements.

Tomorrow will be another action packed day and mom is one of the fellow millions of viewers watching the Superbowl! (yes...she loves football)

Day 19: A few ups and downs

Mom and Clay in Colorado

Day 19:

Mom's been at it again...working and working! Her day is filled with therapy and she is pooped. Dad said that the nurses have said that what takes you and I one ounce of effort takes her 10 times the effort.

Imagine that...the next time you get up to get a glass of water pay attention to how your hands and legs move, how your body effortlessly grabs a cup, turns on the water and how seemless you can move it to your mouth.

Mom had a very big moment today...she stood up and... promptly passed out! Luckily she had many people around to help her but considering she hasn't been upright on her feet in almost three weeks, I guess we can't blame her.

Despite her being light headed, this is a huge day for mom! 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 18: Rehab

Mom and Dad visiting Izzy at Thanksgiving 2007

Day 18:
Mom hada very busy day of physical therapy. Dad said she worked hard on learning how to use a fork and took to it right away! It was an action packed day and she's sleepy. Hopefully tomorrow they will be able to have mom in a wheelchair take her outside for a change of scenery.

I was able to talk to her last might and she reminded me that dad had a doctors appointment today. She said, "between the two of us, we're a real mess"! Amongst it all, she still have a great sense of humor!

Day 18: Rehab

Let's give a cheer for Dad! 
Of all times, he was doing a skin treatment on his head so his poor face is bright red and peeling. 
He's joking that he's scaring everyone!

Day 18: You know mom's a planner and loves agendas... here is her schedule today:
9:00- 11:30 she's doing 3 different kinds of therapy, occupational, speech and vocational. 
12:30 - 1:30: Lunch...perhaps a beautiful plate of mashed potatoes, applesauce and juice
2:00 - 3:00: More rehab
3:00 - 5:00 she rests and no visitors are allowed. 
5:00 on it's a party at Boise's!

Mom is working very hard and being a great student! According to the nurses, she never complains, always is polite and so far, everyone's favorite patient.

Yesterday was filled with mental exercises that would be hard for anyone. She had to name 20 animals in 20 seconds, she had to count backwards from fifty by 3's, remember sequences of words and numbers and recite them an hour later, etc. Very interesting. She is very determined and on a mission.