Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 15: Change in real estate AGAIN!

Mom and Dad with their Breast Cancer 3-Day Victory Shirt

Day 15: She's moving AGAIN!

Earlier I told you that mom had moved out of ICU onto the 6th floor. Well...silly me, she's well enough to move into the rehab center! Tomorrow I bet you I'll get a call from dad saying she got up from her wheelchair and started dancing...
She's had a great day today. She was very busy chatting away about the horses, bills and Colorado.  Today was a big day as dad was able to feed her mashed potatoes and applesauce. Tomorrow is another big day...it's Pasta Day at 1pm! 

But, mom does need help with something very special. She has a horse that is due mid March. We need to think of some very creative names that can symbolize this experience in her life. Can you help brainstorm names with us? I don't know much about horses but one of the horses has the name "Vital Sign" already in their name. Perhaps we can spin it off of that? Or, something hospital related? We're very excited to hear what you all suggest!

Have a great evening!


  1. Well let's hope there is one huge welcome mat at the door to the rehab facility welcoming our dear Boise!!

    What an incredible milestone you have reached. We know you are 'not there yet' as it is about the journey - not the destination.

    Know that you have the loving care and support to accompany you and Don -- new days are dawning.

    May we all be open to the "new wonders" that life holds...

    All of TRR envelopes you at this time,Boise/Don.

    One day at a time --prayers rolling down I-17 tonight!!


    1. How about naming the horse 'Journey?'

    2. If you would allow me to dig out my Latin --

      perhaps an appropriate name would be

      Dona -- gift

      Cordis - of the heart

      The card that Greg created is wonderful - make sure you sign!


  2. Such wonderful news!

    Some ideas for horse names: Wonder, Mystery, Heart Song

    Many, many happy, hopeful thoughts still being sent down I-17 from Prescott.

    Laurel & Ron

  3. What a wonderful day to be moved again and be progressing.
    We thought that if the baby was a girl you might think about IV (Ivey). We miss you, keep getting your rest and keep going forward.

  4. Boise, I told you that a new room meant something! We are so thrilled for you & Don. Our suggestion for the new member of your family is Persy (short for Perseverance). Take care, my friend!!

    Always, Janet, Scott & Kessa

  5. wonderful news. Boise's strength will have her proving that doctor wrong each and every day. Her determination will keep her going down the path to recovery.

    Horse names. Hummmm.

    Team B's vital determination
    Team B's healing signs
    Team B's miracle signs

  6. Boise, Thrilled that you have move twice and are starting rehab. Not alcohol related I take it. You are so strong and so loved by all who know you I know you will progress with great speed. Remember all the great times at ALT and your turn as president of newly organized new chapter when you moved away from us. All your friends here are pulling for you. Stay strong. Love ya, Marilyn

  7. Boise, I keep writing these blips but don't know where they are-probably in space somewhere. Wish I knew more about computers. I'll keep trying. No word from your family in a few days. I'll keep looking for them. Stay strong, love ya, Marilyn

  8. Boise, et L, How are things going. Haven't seen anything new on the website. My name for the new horse would be "boise's great adventure" or just "owners adventure" Keep the faith, stay strong, love ya, Mariyn
