Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day12: ICU Update

Day 12: The Dr. just saw mom and continues to be optimistic. He's impressed with her verbal and motor skills and he's hoping the speech therapist can come in today to see if she can swallow. Fingers crossed!


  1. Stacy

    Doctor optimism is great, may Mom continue to improve and impress the good doctors!

    We count each and every improvement as a sign of Boise's resilient spirit. What a shining example for us....

    Prayers continue - Donna/Kathy

  2. Go, Boise!! We appreciate the updates so thank you for letting us know how things are going. Again, your mother is an amazing woman who will NEVER take "No" or "I can't" for an answer!! Those doctors just didn't know who they were dealing with!!

    Always, Janet, Scott & Kessa
