Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 15: Change in real estate

This is mom, dad and Ms. Patti Price at their fundraiser for the Breast Cancer 3-Day

Day 15: Mom is out of ICU and on the 6th Floor! Dad just said that she was moved early this morning to the 6th floor which means GOODBYE ICU!

We had met with the physical therapists prior to her surgery and they gave us various movements to practice with mom. More specifically, we bought bright orange plastic cones and had her grab them and move them from left to right. After surgery we hadn't done anything with physical therapy as we didn't want to push anything that might be frustrating as we wanted her to rest. 

Today, Dad just said that out of the blue, mom grabbed the Styrofoam  cup of water, brought it to her lips and sipped it out of a straw. Uh, hello...? Really? 

We hate to sound like a broken record here but... the surgeon made it very clear that her "quality" of life post surgery would be limited to a home, a ventilator and a feeding tube. (We probably didn't share that with you prior but now we can). When we have days like today we are reminded of the many mysteries that surround us and the powerful ability of our bodies to heal.


  1. Way to go Boise1 I'm not sure you are getting these messages but here goes for the second remember game. Remember your b-day party in the barn. We were relating stories about you and I was sharing a story you told me that included a certain word (rhymes with buck). You really came unglued because your Mother was there. I knew that and wasn't going to include the infamous word. How many parties have we shared. More to come. Stay strong and know you are loved. Marilyn

  2. Let us just say that the Doctors just 'do not know our Boise.'

    What terrific news today ~ I hope there is a good view from the window and some soft gentle music playing in the background.

    Another day, another blessing and lesson learned - the resiliency of the human spirit is awesome!

    Keep going Boise -- Donna/Kathy
