Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 14: ICU Update

Mom and Dad at the Breast Cancer 3-Day in San Diego last November. 
Their team was the TRR: "Talking Rock Raquettes". 
Each day they walked 20 miles over a three day period. 
This was moms 3 time walking and definitely an event she was very proud to participate in.

Day 14: it really day 14? I just talked to Dad who said the neurologist was in this morning and he continues to be very impressed. They are going to try to get some pudding or custard into mom and let her practice swallowing more. Once this is accomplished, they might, just might...get her out of ICU! I know, I know...wipe the tears away but this could make for another incredible milestone for mom. She is a bit nervous about moving rooms but dad and family continue to reassure her.

Today she is very chatty and talking a lot. She is very concerned about Dad staying on top of some bills and is reminding him of what is due. Can you believe that? Most of us can't even remember when bills are due let alone after recovering from brain surgery.

She is also very excited about her new baby horse that is to drop in another month or so. She is trying to think of something very creative to symbolize this new chapter in her life...any suggestions?

Thank you to those that send pictures to me to post and please continue to send them!


  1. Boise, Lani signed up for the San Diego Walk today-(reminded by "our" daughter's posting). He is planning on you being there on crew, so keep up the wonderful progress.
    Love to you all, patient and "crew".
    Lani and Bev

  2. Another day to get up and yell YIPPEE!!!!! Good news for team Boise. Keep it up everyone,(Boise for fighting and family for being there.)

  3. Exactly, Patty -- every bit of good news is a blessing.

    So good to learn that Boise is chatty and 'present.' Don, we love you both -- hang in and hang on -- the best is yet to come!

    Hugs, Donna and Kathy

  4. We are so happy for Boise..a new room means coming home soon!!

    always, Janet, Scott & Kess

  5. Dearest Boise;

    We are more than extremely happy that you are moving forward in your recovery. Boise, you and Don are in the group of Special People. Special People are not the fastest, or strongest, or smartest, and for sure not always worried about guys are just Special. It is easy to recognize a Special Person as they register that on the scale the minute you meet them.

    Please, please continue getting stronger and stronger as Team Taylor is terribly missed at TRR.


    Team Troutte [Sandra and Richard]
