Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 6: Still in ICU

Thank you all for taking the time to read about your friend, Boise Taylor. We figured creating a blog would be a good idea to keep you all informed and posted regarding her condition and frame of mind. 

This is day 6 of Boise's Great Adventure!

Boise is showing great signs of improvement and in fact, the Doctor said this morning that she is the best patient on ICU! She is still very lethargic but is beginning to wake by herself more and more (which is what the Dr. wants to see).  Although he hasn't provided a date, our "gut" Dr. instincts say she'll be onto her next "adventure" (a different floor) by Wednesday.

Some fun news: The medicine that Boise is on makes her quite parched. All she asks for is 7-UP and water. Unfortunately, we cannot give this to her as it poses a few risks with her lungs. However, we can smirk a bit and joke that mom has two time frames, "NOW and RIGHT NOW"!

We're amazed at her memory and ability to communicate. For instance, yesterday Don was crafting an email to friends in Talking he was trying to find the words, Boise inserted her two cents worth and tried to write it for him. 

We're waiting for three specific things to happen:
1. She must open her left eye
2. She must be able to swallow
3. She has to become more coherent

All of the above are caused from pressure to the brain which are diminishing as we write. When these things occur, we will be able to leave ICU. 

At the hospital with Boise are Don and Stacy. Clay (their son) left early this morning.

Again, we really appreciate everyone's kind wishes and thoughts! Keep a gin an tonic at the ready...

Beauty tip: Looking for more radiant and glowing skin? Go to the ER and you too will be the envy of every woman.

1 comment:

  1. MiMi,

    This is when we had the tea party!

    I love you!!!

