Wednesday, January 30, 2013

On to the next great adventure!

Wednesday, January 30. 2013

Throughout the year we often re-read the blog entries and your comments which still fills us with deep appreciation for the generous outpouring of support that you all so kindly offered. Thank you all for following moms progress and for your help, your love and constant well wishes. As you know, they've all paid off., continues to have an amazing adventure. Since being discharged from the hospital, she dedicated every single day to getting better. From going to physical therapy then coming home to do homework therapy with's because of her amazing determination that she is walking by herself today. (I should say too that Don was really motivated to...he hated that @$#$# wheelchair)!

More great news is that both Don and Boise have decided to pack up the digs in Arizona and trade them in for dance recitals, swimming lessons and general hanging out time with their granddaughter, Izzy. (and both their kids too).

Their big move takes place this June, 2013 and all are welcome to come and visit the lovely town of Conifer, Colorado.

So, let's all take a moment to raise one last glass to Boise and Don who have decided that as they say goodbye to "Boise's Great Adventure", they are welcoming in a new chapter, "Don and Boise's Great Grandparents Adventure"! Here, here!

Wishing you all many safe, healthy and great adventures of your own!

The Taylor Family

Monday, July 23, 2012

Deja Vu

Well folks, despite the strides and improvements that mom has made, we had a bit of a hiccup yesterday.

I am happy to tell you that mom is NOT in the ER but rather we're in a normal room at a Denver Hospital awaiting just one more test before mom is discharged.

We're not sure what happened other than mom and I were finishing a lovely breakfast and plotting our next shopping adventure. While we were eating, we both noticed that her arm started shaking and she had never experienced that before. Long story short, the shaking progressed and she became nervous everything that was happening was a new sensation and that she didn't have much control over what was happening and her body.  The doctors think it was just a seizure which is a high probability given her "Great Adventure" of 2012!

Both the fire department and paramedics arrived and to the hospital.

So we're all here, "bored" as mom puts it. We're just waiting on one more test passing the time watching the news and for friend Shirley to give up the next word for "words with friends".

I bet she'll be ouddda here tomorrow.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

All about a bow

We're upon the 6 month anniversary of when everybody's life changed. As you know, we're keeping this blog alive to now celebrate moms many milestones.

Well today it's all about a little bow.

Mom attempted on her own to tie her tennis shoe today and was successful. She did it out of sheer curiosity and you know what, it's this crazy drive, relentless voice that continues to propel her forward that she is how she is today.

Tie away mom!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Are you sitting down folks?

Are you sitting down? Well, if not, sit down as we have amazing news.

Are you sitting yet?


Amazing, crazy, incredible news:

1. Mom is dropping from 3 - 2 days of physical therapy

2. She is to find a location in the garage for her wheelchair and walker as she will not be using them

3. Mom is walking on her own

4. Did you read #3?

5. Yes. Mom is walking on her own.


To say we are amazed at this remarkable come back and recovery is the understatement of the century. We're still wiping the tears. Still wiping the tears.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 1: Boise's Great Adventure: Part II

Day 1:

We're back folks and we have our game faces on! "BRING IT" should be the new motto for mom because as you'll see and continue to see, she is taking names every day.

It occurred to us all a few days ago that well...we've been a bit selfish. We've been hoarding all the great news and it's time to share.

Mom's story didn't end just because she left the hospital. She has now started a whole new journey filled with ups and downs, highs and lows and yes, even adventures.

So here we go, Boise's Great Adventure Part II.


1. Mom has been home now for over two months and continues to go to therapy three times a week which is exhausting.

2.  She made her first road trip to Colorado with no major surprises. The second day in Colorado, she slid out of the truck and wait for it...wait for it...used her walker to get inside our house.

3. Okay, re-read #2.

4. Yes, she walked herself into our house. I'm not kidding. Dad was right behind her but with her steel will and amazing determination...she did it. She will say it wasn't pretty but it doesn't matter.

Although she may disagree, seeing her for the first time in a few months proved amazing. She has regained so much of her left side and is for example, able to flip her left palm up and down and is able to lift it on command. She's is becoming more and more aware of her left side and is just finding her new rhythm in life.

I'm going to end on that note for the moment...can't share all the good news at once.

The purpose of resurrecting this blog is that it is sometimes hard for mom to see the small changes that her body is making and what may seem small to her is proving miraculous to us. In about another year it is our hope that mom can read this blog and think "gosh...did that really happen to me"?

So good to see you again!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 74: Well folks...she's home!

At this very moment, mom is sleeping in her clothes, in her bed, next to the love of her life. She had an extremely tiring day filled with a lot of emotion, many tears of joy, tears of happiness and tears of appreciation.

If you could have seen her as we were driving into spot the beautiful yellow ribbons, to walk into her home filled with beautiful flowers, balloons, cards, signs, chocolate cake, orchids, champagne...

Two months ago dad and I can home to gather some belongings to bring to the hospital. Family pictures, moms favorite lotion and lip balm, you know just some belongings. I clearly remember as clear as the sky is blue wondering if I would ever return home to their house and have mom with us. At the time I could barely stand myself for thinking such a thought but it was true.  I'm sure dad had the same thought.

So to be here tonight and to see mom, dad and Teddy together as a family is certainly a sight to behold. Mom said tonight that now she feels like the healing can begin as she is surrounded by the friendship and love of her friends and family.

Thank you all, so many of you for taking the time to follow moms progress and share in her day to day milestones with us. We will probably continue the blog as well but for how long we don't know. In the meantime, please enjoy some wonderful pictures from today...

Mom and Dad leaving the hospital

Visiting her beautiful baby horse..."Larry" 

 Saying goodbye to her hospital wristbands 

And they lived happily ever after...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 73: Counting the hours...tick tock, tick tock

Just one more day...

Day 73:

Right now, at this very moment mom and dad are having a "going home" party! Dad bought three gigantic cakes for three various floors that mom frequented and then...I guess they just wait.

As dad would say...only one more day and then we wake up and go. But now, I think he's saying, if we lived in Japan, we'd be 8 hours ahead so really, we just have to wake up!

"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us"
Albert Schweitzer

I can hear my dad voice now saying, on behalf of our family, our extended hospital family and all of our dear friends, thank you all for rekindling moms spark.