Monday, July 23, 2012

Deja Vu

Well folks, despite the strides and improvements that mom has made, we had a bit of a hiccup yesterday.

I am happy to tell you that mom is NOT in the ER but rather we're in a normal room at a Denver Hospital awaiting just one more test before mom is discharged.

We're not sure what happened other than mom and I were finishing a lovely breakfast and plotting our next shopping adventure. While we were eating, we both noticed that her arm started shaking and she had never experienced that before. Long story short, the shaking progressed and she became nervous everything that was happening was a new sensation and that she didn't have much control over what was happening and her body.  The doctors think it was just a seizure which is a high probability given her "Great Adventure" of 2012!

Both the fire department and paramedics arrived and to the hospital.

So we're all here, "bored" as mom puts it. We're just waiting on one more test passing the time watching the news and for friend Shirley to give up the next word for "words with friends".

I bet she'll be ouddda here tomorrow.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

All about a bow

We're upon the 6 month anniversary of when everybody's life changed. As you know, we're keeping this blog alive to now celebrate moms many milestones.

Well today it's all about a little bow.

Mom attempted on her own to tie her tennis shoe today and was successful. She did it out of sheer curiosity and you know what, it's this crazy drive, relentless voice that continues to propel her forward that she is how she is today.

Tie away mom!